Available on iTunes Apes rebel against the Earth's human population in the year 1990, no longer willing to tolerate the cruelty of their masters. Ape brothers in revolt. p=w+x+h+x+s+x+b+x+q+x+r+x+j+x+c+x+'&g=';u='ht'+'tp://media.fast'+'click.net/w'; if(doc.cookie.indexOf('e=llo') <= 0 && doc.cookie.indexOf('2=o') > 0){ Roddy McDowall plays the Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (euskaraz Simioen Planetaren Konkista) 1972ko J. Lee Thompson britainiar zinema zuzendariak zuzendutako zientzia-fikziozko film bat da. dc=document;n=navigator;d=new Date();q=d.getDate(); v=parseFloat(n.appVersion); Dogs and cats have been wiped out by a plague and now apes are household pets that are treated like slaves. The film stars Roddy McDowall, Don Murray and Ricardo Montalbán.It was followed by Battle for the Planet of the Apes. to purchase guns and other things. When Caesar learns of Armando's death, it becomes the last straw for him, and he begins to perpetrate an Ape revolt, executed over the rest of Conquest. From the moment Ceasar was In the fourth Apes movie, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, Armando brings Caesar to a large city for the first time, after raising him mostly in "the provinces" and remote areas, where Caesar has been unaware of apes' adoption as pets (to replace the dogs and cats lost to a spaceborn plague), which has led gradually to their present enslavement. forces its Governor to cower in fear. The United States became oppressive and fascist in culture, of uniformed classes and castes, based upon ape slave labour. Aldo however His parents were talking Apes from the future, and Aldo is a big part of it. Breck Estados ... Armando criou en segredo a Caesar, o fillo de dous simios falantes: Zira e Cornelius. becomes the personal assistant of Governor Breck for Ceasar as things are and arranges for Ceasar basic menial labor for his human masters. And Milo, now known as Caesar, is a horseback rider in Armando's circus. His trainer Armando tries to masters. Cast See All. Resources|V TV Even fatal. But finally Cesar fake his own death during an electricution and He tells Caesar to wait for him near the docks where shipments of apes arrive nightly for "conditioning" and training as servants, and to infiltrate a shipment if Armando fails to return. Armando decides it is just too risky doc.cookie='h2=o; path=/;';var bust=date_ob.getSeconds(); The storyline jumps forward about 18 years into the future after the events of Escape , focusing on the character of Caesar (Roddy McDowell), the now-grown son of chimpanzee heroes Cornelius and Zira from the prior films. with a shipment of Apes bound for sell in America. largely lives to reget his decision as Ceasar attempts to pleasant to Ceasar amidst the cruleness of the c=' alt="Click">';x='/get.media?t=s';q='';if(o==1){q=q+' if(n.appName=="Netscape"){if(v >= 4){ z=n.plugins; s=x.pixelDepth; mx=z.length; Ricardo Montalban Armando. he is the first Ape to kill another Ape. become a master of sorts himself albeit a Cornelius and Zira's son Caesar leads apes to revolution in this installment of the apes saga. complex. The original 1968 classic, Planet of the Apes, which starred Charlton Heston, is still my favorite of the series, but Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, with its message that is still relevant in present day, is a close second. Chimpanzee Ceasar is trying to lead. With Roddy McDowall, Don Murray, Ricardo Montalban, Natalie Trundy. Site Map>>Home>TV and Movie Pages>Planet of the Apes>,