If the interview is over the phone, ask a PR person about the office. Remember spell-check is not infallible. Posted on June 12th, 2012 | Written by: Proof and Re-write – If given time, it’s always a good idea to let your CEO proof what you have written. Being a very busy person, getting a CEO’s attention is not easy. Ideally, however, you’ll be given enough time to thoughtfully write, edit, review, and distribute your work. When done right, they then are very effective marketing tools. CEO Executive resume example for senior level management professional with experience as President and CEO. If the … After that, set the scene for the reader. Once you’ve exhausted outside sources, begin looking at what the company has produced, such as its Securities and Exchange Commission filings. You may write your profile as a list in bullet form or as a short paragraph. Read industry publications too. If you are laid back and funny, then write that way. Or it may announce a special contribution, award or retirement. Profiles are typically used in company newsletters, press releases, yearly reports, at events, or in national trade publications. We have seen how the size of the company influences the CFO’s profile. Tell the reader the cause of the issue at the company — overhauling its restaurants or hiring a new CEO — and then tell them the effect it had on the company. In my ten years as Senior Captain of the Steamship Virginia V, Catherine stands as one of the very best communications outreach professionals we have ever had in our organization. This resume also contains a resume profile, which is a brief, introductory summary of an applicant’s skills, experiences, and goals as they relate to a job opening. When creating your career section, our career advice is to focus on desired outcomes as much as possible. JOHN DOE, PAGE 2. The first thing a recruiter will notice is your photo. Maybe you are trying to write a fun, informative profile for a social media platform, like Facebook or Twitter. And it’s also likely your boss has limited time – so it may even be tough to schedule an appointment to ask your questions. Your CEO’s “personality” leads the company’s reputation. In addition, conducting in-depth research shows the people you interview that you’ve done your homework. But this position will have more duties and responsibilities when compared to others because he is head of the company. How to Write a Company Profile. Knowing about a company’s history is important. Catherine | Post Categories: You Didn’t See Me, I Wasn’t Here: The Power of Ghostwriting, BRANDING: Why Making a Positive First Impression Matters, Are you smarter than a goldfish? While every company and CEO is different, here are three steps to reporting and writing a strong business profile: Find all available information about a company before you start interviewing people. I’m not suggesting that you read that much, but your research will make or break your interviews. We are supported by generous grants from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation. Many of them looked blank or haven’t been updated in years. Executive assistant CV profile What makes this profile effective? Catherine@WriteContact.com After you’ve set up the profile, the reader will want to know people’s opinions, particularly those who are experts, about the company or the CEO. Set the scene outside the corner office as well. Scan old press releases and stories as well. 1. Being funny is tough – that’s why social media agency owner Gary Vaynerchuk often hires stand-up comedians to write social media posts. One possibility is to begin with an anecdote or something that happened to the company or executive that helps illustrate what the rest of the story is going to be about. Here's how to write a CEO profile: Choose the resume professional summary if you have over 2 years as the top exec. Another option is to start with a summary of what the lead is. They sometimes know more about a company than the mainstream media. Capture attention by leading with your brand positioning statement, or a quote from an industry celebrity or subject matter expert. They may have valuable information too. Today you’ve been casually asked to write a profile which highlights your CEO. How to write a CV: top tips. I’ve heard CEOs say they aren’t looking for a job so they don’t need a complete profile, but that shows a dated viewpoint. If an email from an unknown recipient requires them to scroll, it’s not getting read. Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0). If you can visit a factory or warehouse or a store, then do so. Or Fill out our Contact Form. That will show readers how the company actually operates. ... A CEO … So make the time count. Quick tip: If you struggle with spelling and grammar, try a free grammar checking tool, like Grammarly. Move your executive biography from bland to brand-solid: Pack a punch in the first paragraph. How to Write a CEO Resume? This article first appeared on Journalist's Resource and is republished here under a Creative Commons license. COMMISSIONER / CEO, 1994 – 1996 CITY OF NEWARK, DEPARTMENT OF YOUTH SERVICES, NEWARK, NJ As member of Mayor's cabinet, managed major city agency overseeing the funding and operations of 850 community-based organizations serving over 1 million inner-city youths. Compel readers to want to continue to the end. If … We only ask that you follow a few basic guidelines. 2. Introducing the 8 steps to write a business profile for your small business. Here are ten CEO profiles that showcase best practices for LinkedIn profiles. If you are all business and use industry jargon, then write that way. Great summaries hint at traits such as gratitude, humility, and humor. Provide background information. The letter must clearly be able to explain the situation of the requester. Is your leader gregarious and extroverted or studious and serious? Story American how to write ceo profile shows the relationships. Your LinkedIn profile is your online 24/7 presence – as CEO, you have a greater need than ever before for a strong profile that stands out among the crowd. Author: Irene McConnell Irene McConnell is the MD of Arielle Executive and co-founder Exceptional Resume Writers. They’re a good way to give readers context, explaining whether a company is performing well or poorly, and whether the CEO’s strategy is working, and what is means for the firm. The right candidate must be ready to build and model a great company culture, provide inspired leadership to our executive team, establish a great working relationship with the board of directors and set a course for company strategy. After you’ve set up the profile, the reader will want to know people’s opinions, particularly those who are experts, about the company or the CEO. A well-written company profile is an effective way to introduce the business to the potential customers and other stakeholders. A letter to a company’s CEO may be written for the purposes of selling an idea or product, or a training program to the company. Suppliers, business partners and competitors can sometimes give you a more honest portrait of a company than the company itself. Write Your Executive Summary Start the executive summary with your personal branding or leadership statement. How much time you’ve been given to write the work will determine your process. Keep your profile short and concise Your professional profile should be no more than four brief sentences. Don’t hesitate to call people who previously worked at the company, such as former executives and board members. Finally, relax during the interview. Include your job title and years of work or training experience. Stick to 3-5 paragraphs and write in the style you speak. Choose stories and words that show who you are as a person, not just a professional. 425.844.2284 Also, if you are not a strong writer, identify someone who is to double-check your profile for grammar and spelling. When profiling a company’s CEO or president, get their resume or biography in advance, and find as many people as possible that know him or her before you go to the interview. A profile is a short piece of writing used in a variety of ways. How do you start? Describe the CEO’s office or what he or she likes to do outside work. Writing a good business news profile is like writing a short story. Please contact us here. People often think achievements are best measured on a CV by figures, and although they look good by breaking up the reams of text, they can look superficial. 5. A profile of a company or CEO is a staple of business journalism. Writing a business profile is a wonderful opportunity to get to know your CEO better. To Profile A CEO From Afar, Ask These Five Questions ... or in books or articles they write themselves, about what drives, energizes and motivates them. The CEO of an organization is its highest decision-making authority. A project of Harvard Kennedy School's Shorenstein Center and the Carnegie-Knight Initiative, Journalist’s Resource curates, summarizes and contextualizes high-quality research on newsy public policy topics. Why profiles? Presidential transitions: 4 tips for improving news coverage from scholar Barbara A. Perry, Investigating stories on water access, affordability and safety: 5 tips to get started, 10 tips + 4 story ideas for journalists covering the 2020 presidential election, 3 reasons health care journalists should interview nurses more than they do, Covering Medicaid during the COVID-19 pandemic: 6 things journalists should know, Covering NASCAR’s ties to the Confederate flag and conservative politics: 5 tips for journalists, Covering rural health care amid COVID-19: 4 tips from Carrie Henning-Smith, 6 tips for reporting on how COVID-19 school closures affect student learning, 13 security tips for journalists covering hate online, Epidemiological models: 10 things journalists covering coronavirus research should know, You are free to republish this piece both online and in print, and we encourage you to do so with the embed code provided below. That means you are free to republish our content both online and in print, and we encourage you to do so via the “republish this article” button. There will be times you’ll have to just race something out the door and hope for the best outcome! Consider the following when crafting your final piece. You can also refer to the achievements you wrote in Step 1 of writing a personal branding statement. Carol Loomis of Fortune recently stated that she read the past 50 years of annual reports for Bethleham Steel before she began talking to people about the company. - What are some tips to create a great LinkedIn profile? This is your chance to make a good first impression, so make sure you are using a professional photo. CEOs are constantly on the go, which means nine times out of 10, they’re reading email on a tablet or smartphone. But success in this first step in getting the information you need to write your profile is essential. are licensed under a Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license. If you’re writing about a company’s international expansion, for example, it may be more useful to interview the vice president in charge of that effort. The summary statement concisely details your leadership experience while including a proud numbered achievement or two to show the top brass that you’re top-notch. Interview for the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) position is just as similar to other interviews only. Make a list of topics you’d want to know as a reader and make sure the tone used when writing matches your target audience. If the interview is over the phone, ask a PR person about the office. You can also use upcoming events for the company, such as an annual meeting or meetings with analysts and investors, to help frame your story. This is also an excellent resume example for executives in C-Level and upper-level Vice President (VP) positions.This resume uses a job title headline with a … If you have the time, it’s often valuable to talk to lower-level employees as well. A company profile is a professional introduction of the business and aims to inform the audience about its products and services. However that doesn’t mean the process is going to be simple. I prefer to do all of my outside interviews before interviewing the top company executive. (This post has been updated; see 20 for 2020: LinkedIn CEO Profiles to Watch) A trend has reared its ugly head while I browsed CEO profiles on LinkedIn. CEO Job Description Template We are seeking an experienced CEO to manage day-to-day operations of our company. The National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) Foundation. The purpose of the profile is to make both your boss and the company look good. It can tell you whether the company is returning to old strategies and philosophies, or if it’s embracing change. A CEO of a software company, for example, would follow respected experts and influencers in tech.This includes writers, bloggers and editors who often cover tech … It's not only important to communicate your abilities, but to show how those abilities fit the high-level position. Get personal and hire a stand-up comedian to write your bio. Investors, analysts and business-school professors can provide a great perspective for your story. If nothing has been published, ask the company if there is an internal history. Lead by example or driven by results? Dale M. Pederson, Senior Captain, Steamship Virginia V, Catherine Lenox 2. The extent to which you can be comfortable, direct, organized, and thorough will impact the success of your final piece. In addition, it is also important for the CFO to have experience in the same sector, or a closely-related one. Writing can be difficult. It is best to use a simple headshot of yourself, but don’t be boring – it’s ok to smile in your photo and show some personality while remaining appropriate. Look for books or other histories about the company. These “personality” descriptors will allow readers to see your leader in a personal way. Let’s say your profile is for your business website. As an employee in an multifaceted company, you wear many hats. You don’t want to make it sound stuffy by bombarding a timeline of facts, because – quite frankly – no one will care (other than yourself, of course)! That last little tidbit of the bio – usually where a funny quip or a more personal fact goes – often trips us up the most. If they see you know as much about the company as they do, they will likely tell you what you need to know, and might even recommend others to interview. Then list three points that show you as an expert in solving the challenges your target employer is facing. A well-written company profile makes you look attractive to potential employees and customers. Or maybe you need to write a concise, well-written profile for a job or school application. At Write Contact first impressions count! Write emails on your phone. Describe the CEO’s office or what he or she likes to do outside work. Often, you’re only going to get one shot at talking to them, so waiting to do that interview last means that you’re prepared to ask every possible question that has come up from your other interviews. Bearing this in mind, write any email intended for a CEO … You have no idea how it’s going to be used, only that you’ve been asked to write it. While applying for this position, the candidate has to mention his abilities, duties, achievements, and growth. But finance is the backbone of any business profile and the other details should just provide color that explains how the company or CEO operates. LinkedIn Help - How Do I Create a Good LinkedIn Profile? We welcome feedback. It may be used to educate employees, the media and public about your CEO’s achievements and background. Interview people outside the company as well. So start with questions about your leader’s background, education, and personal/company mission – and include personality traits. If your story is focused more on the company and a specific angle of its strategy, assess whether the CEO or president is the right person to interview. Or, how to write catchy blog titles. The following is an example of a resume for a C-level executive. As a CEO you have multiple qualities: you’re a leader, you have lead businesses and set examples for those further down the chain and you are able to understand economics, even payroll and bookkeeping as finance plays a crucial role in any business. If the company has made projections about its business in the past, see if they panned out. There needs to be a beginning, a middle and an end. Everybody from childhood friends to college roommates to bosses at their first jobs are fair game, and their stories help readers understand how the executive got to where they are today. 2. Fortune magazine developed the concept back in the 1930s, and today virtually every business publication and section produces these stories. A LinkedIn profile is included In today's jobs market, it's not enough to have a polished executive CV; senior professionals are expected to advertise their candidacy on paper, online and in person. After that, set the scene for the reader. Founder-focused leadership and CEO profiling strategies are some of the most intelligent PR and marketing tools under-utilised by communications professionals globally. Company profiles are based more on financial information; those of CEOs contain more quotes and personal information. If you use a summary lead, there needs to be a cause and effect high up in the story. Look at the courthouse for lawsuits, and filings at regulatory agencies that may indicate how the company has been operated in the past. In addition to the steps below to follow when making a company profile, you might find these customer profiles useful. If you have just launched a new business and are looking to make a great first impression on prospective customers, then it is essential to create an powerful company profile. by Chris Roush, Journalist's Resource July 19, 2011. Often, they will not be quoted, but they can provide the perspective of what’s going on in the trenches, and they can discuss how rank-and-file staff feel about the executive team and company strategy. We only ask that you follow, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Unless otherwise noted, this site and its contents – with the exception of photographs – Still, Norton s view has reduced how, but both a very and a rights attached, would question the kind of gender involved in our sacrificing increasing repositories for the white of a swift. As a CEO, all positive statistics for the companies you lead are fair game. Both types of profiles contain similar information, but a social media profile will be less formal than a personal profile for an application. Mold your resume to fit the position for which you are applying. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Is not easy those abilities fit the high-level position in mind, any. Profile should be no more than four brief sentences and words that show who you are applying employees! Used in a variety of ways Choose stories and words that show you as employee. 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