His hair is red and his body painted with red and white stripes. The grandeur of the capital, Tenochtitlan, showed power and wealth, and from that city their armies went out … The cosmic battle between the two brothers has been interpreted as a dualistic opposition between creative and destructive forces (Taube, 1993, p82). In the Aztec ritual calendar, different deities were associated with the cycle-of-year names: Quetzalcoatl was tied to the year Ce Acatl (One Reed), which correlates to the year 1519. Ehécatl is the wind god form of the deity Quetzalcoatl, also known as the feathered serpent deity and … Creation MythsQuetzalcoatl-Ehécatl and his crafty brother Tezcatlipoca were in the business of creation. Codex: Borbonicus The God Quetzalcoatl is the Feathered Serpent or Precious Twin. Quetzalcoatl slithers along the border. From her wound burst beautiful flowers that the bat took to the lord of the underworld, Mictlantecuhtli, who bathed them in the water of his subterranean rivers and perfumed the blossoms.Many other creation myths revolve around Quetzalcoatl, some including the creation of the maguey plant, and the discovery of corn (follow the link below...). Quetzalcoatl Fact FileInterests: Saving the world (or making it), preserving life, cultivating knowledge and recognising beauty.Day Sign: WindTrecena (13 day week): 1 Jaguar. Quetzalcoatl Art. He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge. Bridgeman Art Library / Getty Images (Mediation and Atonement, p. Le codex aztèque Borbonicus, "Tonalamatl", détail dépeignant Quetzalcoatl et Tezcatlipoca a été créé autour du XVIème siècle. Codex Borgia Codex Borbonicus Toltecatl . They predated the Aztecs and perhaps even battled with them towards the end of Tula’s cultural and economic dominance in Mesoamerica. 18. A Quetzalcoatl temple was also created at the complex of Ciudadela and the hieroglyphic depiction of Quetzalcoatl was included in the Codex Borbonicus. Quetzalcoatl was also depicted in the Codex Magliabechiano. Quetzalcoatl (Nahuatl Quetzalcōātl = „Quetzalschlange“ bzw. He was regarded as the god of winds and rain … Do you know the names of all the Aztec gods? In the Maya area he was approximately equivalent to Kukulcan and Gukumatz, names that also roughly translate as "feathered serpent" in different Mayan languages. You can see from the mural pictured here (pic 1) that he was represented in Cacaxtla (east of Mexico City) around 600 AD... ... and Teotihuacan around 200 AD (pic 2). A feathered serpent deity has been worshiped by many different ethno-political groups in Mesoamerican history. Coyotlinahual, le plumassier, procède donc à embellir Quetzalcoatl : In another story, the virgin Chimalman conceived Quetzalcoatl swallowing an emerald. Xolotl, the Evening StarTlahuizcalpentecuhtli could only guard the sun as it crossed the daytime sky. Codex Magliabechiano, fol.61r (Click on image to enlarge), Pic 6: Designs for Quechtin, or blankets. Most Mesoamerican beliefs included cycles of suns. Quetzalcoatl (left) fights Tezcatlipoca, from Codex Borbonicus, Mexico, c.1521. Quetzalcoatl is not a religious symbol in the Mormon faith, and is not taught as such, nor is it in their doctrine. Quetzalcoatl in human form, from the Codex Borbonicus. Franciscans then equated the original Quetzalcoatl with St. Thomas and imagined that the Indians had long awaited his return to take part once again in God's kingdom. The gods Oxomoco and Cipactonal throw lots with grains of corn, Codex Borbonicus ( Mexico Lore ) Another type of corn story comes from the Ojibwa people of southern Canada and the northern United States in the Great Lakes Region. In his text, Ebeling talked about how Moctezuma II welcomed Hernán Cortés as Quetzalcoatl. Like all pre-Columbian Aztec codices, it was originally pictorial in nature, although some Spanish descriptions were later added. A fourth story narrates that Quetzalcoatl was born from Coatlicue, who already had four hundred children who formed the stars of the Milky Way. Die Europäer gewinnen den Erdball. Bird, Snake, Dog, Wind, Priest, Roadsweeper... even Planet! 07v (Click on image to enlarge), Pic 8: Quetzalcoatl (left) and Tezcatlipoca in one of a two-page binding together of the lunar and solar calendars. The first culture to use the symbol of a feathered serpent as an important religious and political symbol was Teotihuacan. Hans Ebeling published the book ‘ Die Reise in die Vergangenheit III. The earliest depictions of the feathered serpent deity were fully zoomorphic, depicting the serpent as an actual snake, but already among the Classic Maya the deity began acquiring human features. The highest level of the town is crowned by the pyramid of Quetzalcóatl with impressive inscriptions and figures. Quetzalcóatl was the god of the morning and evening star. Like the other three (Tezcatlipoca, Camaxtle and Huitzilopochtli) he was a tutelary god, responsible for more dramatic acts of creation than most of the characters in the Aztec pantheon! Gods had nahualis, just like people, and the main figure of image 3 is Xolotl, the dog nahuali of Quetzalcoatl. Interest in the Codex goes beyond conservation. But what were his monster-killing, sky-lifting and star-forming capacities in the face of his sneaky brother Tezcatlipoca? Codex Borbonicus is written by Aztec priests sometime after the Spanish conquest of Mexico. To the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was, as his name indicates, a feathered serpent, a flying reptile (much like a dragon), who was a boundary-maker (and transgressor) between earth and sky. This saga mentions two possible Vikings w… Cette rivalité était un thème récurrent dans la mythologie aztèque, le serpent volant (Quetzalcoatl) étant fréquemment opposé au jaguar noir (Tezcatlipoca). Quetzalcoatl-Ehécatl the RoadsweeperThe Aztecs believed that Quetzalcoatl was one of four creators made by the divine dual couple, Ometeotl. Codex Borbonicus fol. Monolithic sculpture Tlazolteotl . The Aztecs believed that Quetzalcoatl, god of air and learning, wanted to see the Toltecs well-fed and nourished in order to progress in art and learning. In another act as creator, Quetzalcoatl threw his semen at a rock and from it grew a bat that approached the fertility goddess Xochiquetzal (Quetzal Flower), biting her between the legs. „leuchtende Schwanzfederschlange“; Mayathan bzw. In the Postclassic period, the worship of the feathered serpent deity was based in the primary Mexican religious center of Cholula. Equivalents On the basis of the Teotihuacan iconographical depictions of the feathered serpent, archaeologist Karl Taube has argued that the feathered serpent was a symbol of fertility and internal political structures contrasting with the War Serpent symbolizing the outwards military expansion of the Teotihuacan empire. The date 9 Wind is known to be associated with fertility, Venus and war among the Maya and frequently occurs in relation to Quetzalcoatl in other Mesoamerican cultures. He appears in Post-classic tales from the Maya, Toltec, and Aztec cultures. A 1992 Mexican postage stamp depicting Quetzalcoatl (left) and Tezcatlipoca (right) using illustrations from the Codex Borbonicus, an ancient Aztec manuscript written around the Spanish conquest of Mexico.iStock. Codex Maglabecchiano, fol. Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican god of wind and learning, wearing around his neck the sign of the wind god, the “wind breastplate” ehecailacocozcatl, “the spirally voluted wind jewel” made of a conch shell (illustration copied from the Codex Borbonicus, p. 22 by Milwaukee Public Museum artist Lee Tishler). The Aztecs believed that the cacao tree was the gift of the god, Quetzalcoatl. Norse equivalent At temples such as the aptly named "Quetzalcoatl temple" in the Ciudadela complex, feathered serpents figure prominently and alternate with a different kind of serpent head. Codex Borbonicus fol. To the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was, as his name indicates, a feathered serpent, a flying reptile (much like a dragon), who was a boundary-maker (and transgressor) between earth and sky. Aztec round dance for Quetzalcóatl and Xolotl (a dog-headed god who is Quetzalcóatl's companion), detail from a facsimile Codex Borbonicus (folio 26), c. 1520; original in the Chamber of Deputies, Paris, France. Historian Matthew Restall concludes that: Quetzalcoatl Mural in Acapulco by Diego Rivera. Over the South presides the Blue Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli, the god of war. Discover (and save!) 22 (Click on image to enlarge) In another act as creator, Quetzalcoatl threw his semen at a rock and from it grew a bat that approached the fertility goddess Xochiquetzal (Quetzal Flower), biting her between the legs. Ce que l’on sait de l’origine du document … With this appendage he was able to sweep the roads clean before the arrival of the rain gods (pic 5). Quetzalcoatl was one of several important gods in the Aztec pantheon, along with the gods Tlaloc, Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli. Interestingly, Quetzalcoatl was noted by Sahagún in the Florentine Codex to be the patron of this supernatural lawbreaker. Bridgeman Art Library / Getty Images Find art you love and shop high-quality art prints, photographs, framed artworks and posters at Art.com. That period lies within the Late Preclassic to Early Classic period of Mesoamerican chronology, and veneration of the figure appears to have spread throughout Mesoamerica by the Late Classic. His calendrical name was 9 Wind.Parents: The dual creator Ometeotl (Two Lord), also known as Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl (Two Lord and Two Lady)Siblings: Tezcatlipoca and Camaxtle. Egyptian equivalent In a version of the myth, Quetzalcoatl was born by a virgin named Chimalman, to whom the god Onteol appeared in a dream. Quetzalcoatl as depicted in the Codex Borbonicus. (Reproduction, late 20th century) Original image, pigment on handmade paper Reproduction, bronze and paint on wood, L. 13 cm x W. 1.5 cm x H. 12 cm BFPC collection #2012.41a. There was also the symbol of the feathered serpent god of the Aztecs known as Quetzalcoatl as depicted in the Codex Borbonicus. Quetzalcóatl est le dieu du vent, maître de la vie, créateur et civilisateur, patron de tous les arts et inventeur de la métallurgie. It is named after the Palais Bourbon in France and kept at the Bibliothèque de l'Assemblée Nationale in Paris. From the smoking remains rose the morning star, Venus, who is represented by Quetzalcoatl in his guise of Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli. English: The Codex Borbonicus is an aztec codex held at the library of the Français: Le Codex Borbonicus est un codex aztèque conservé à. In some incredible escapades, they created the earth, sea and night sky and were regents of the first two ‘suns’, or world eras of the existing five. Borbonicus There are several stories about the birth of Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca were brothers in divine myths, where they worked together as creators, and against each other in acts of destruction. Quetzalcoatl, also known as Feathered Serpent, was a prominent supernatural entity or deity found in many Mesoamerican religions. During the epi-classic period, a dramatic spread of feathered serpent iconography is evidenced throughout Mesoamerica, and during this period begins to figure prominently at cites such as Chichén Itzá, El Tajín, and throughout the Maya area. He is chopping a tree on the upper left hand side, and on a decorated platform on the lower left hand side. Codex Borbonicus. Sahagún (Book III, chapter III) also made special mention of their devotion to him. Borgia. The most important deity in the Aztec pantheon, Tezcatlipoca or Quetzalcoatl is also one of the oldest, first appearing during the pre-Mexica Teotihuacan era. Usually our current time was considered the fifth sun, the previous four having been destroyed by flood, fire and the like. Codex Magliabechiano Tonatiuh . His heart became the morning star. Under the guise of wind, he was called Quetzalcoatl-Ehécatl and was considered a great cultural hero. Marduk Franciscans such as Toribio de Benavente "Motolinia" saw elements of Christianity in the precolumbian religions and therefore believed that Mesoamerica had been evangelized before, possibly by St. Thomas whom legend had it had "gone to preach beyond the Ganges". A feathered serpent deity has been worshiped by many different ethno-political groups in Mesoamerican history. Guess how many feathers went into making this shield? To the Aztecs, Quetzalcoatl was, as his name indicates, a feathered serpent, a flying reptile (much like a dragon), who was a boundary-maker (and transgressor) between earth and sky. Copyright: Museo Nacional de Antropología (Click on image to enlarge), Pic 2: Feathered Serpent at Teotihuacan. They discussed the Eyrbggia saga in the epilogue. Timeline of key events in the history of the Aztec Empire. Copyright: imagesofanthropology.com (Click on image to enlarge), Pic 3: The legendary priest, Ce Acatl Topilltzin Quetzalcoatl in a blood-letting ceremony. The Codex Borbonicus is an Aztec codex written by Aztec priests shortly before or after the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Quetzalcoatl is a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and means "feathered serpent". But the history of the former has been handed down to us through an impure Lamanitish source, which has sadly disfigured and perverted the original incidents and teachings of the Savior's life and ministry." Él era una deidad creadora que había contribuido esencialmente a la creación de la Humanidad. In Xochicalco, depictions of the feathered serpent are accompanied by the image of a seated, armed ruler and the hieroglyph for the day sign 9 Wind. Place of devotion: Offerings were regularly presented to Quetzalcoatl in Tenochtitlan, but he was also celebrated in other cities like Cholula and Chichén Itzá. Saved by Annelies ter Brugge Over time, Quetzalcoatl's appearance, clothing, malevolent nature, and status among the gods were reshaped to fit a more Christian framework. Python Unlike the newer gods of the Aztec pantheon, Quetzalcoatl shared his namesake with the feathered serpent deities of the K’iche’ Maya and the Yucatec Maya. Quetzalcoatl, however, had feathers and this made him an altogether different being. File:Xochicalco Serpiente Emplumada GR.jpg, https://mythology.wikia.org/wiki/Quetzalcoatl?oldid=118623. This is because he dropped, but then saved, the bones of humankind as he tripped over a quail while escaping from the Mictlan (Graulich, 1996). Feathered Serpent head at the Ciudadela complex in Teotihuacan. He was a flying reptile (much like a dragon ), who was a boundary-maker (and transgressor) between earth and sky. 1 Sources 1.1 Ouvrages 1.2 Sites 1.3 Images Mythes et mythologies de Félix Guirand et Joël Schmidt. Códices Indigenas Mexicanos . Quetzalcoatl et sa compagne, peinture d'un manuscrit aztèque, le Codex Barbonicus. 2014-11-23 - --Page 22-- Codex Borbonicus (Loubat 1899) Quetzalcoatl (L) He also had anthropomorphic forms, for example in his aspects as Ehecatl the wind god. La première mention de son existence date de 1778 : il se trouve alors à la Bibliothèque de l’Escurial en Espagne [1]. Quetzalcoatl went to Mictlan, the underworld, and created fifth-world mankind from the bones of the previous races (with the help of Cihuacoatl), using his own blood, from a wound he inflicted on his earlobes, calves, tongue, and penis, to imbue the bones with new life. When the brothers separated the sky from the earth, they even turned into the trees that held the two apart, earnings the names of Quetzalhuéxotl and Tezcacahuitl.Quetzalcoatl’s life-giving ability gave rise to many of the things around us. Cholula is known to have remained the most important center of worship to Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec/Nahua version of the feathered serpent deity, in the post-classic period. Codex Magliabechiano, fol. The Codex Borbonicus is the best preserved, most artistically developed and generally agreed to be the most pleasing (to Western art specialists) of the Aztec calendar-manuscripts that exist today. MAYA, MAYAN, Quetzalcoatl, serpent à plumes, tel que décrit dans le Codex Borbonicus. (1), Toci - an aspect of the Great Mother Earth Goddess, Pic 1: Re-creation of mural at Cacaxtla. The Aztec Codex Borbonicus, 'Tonalamatl', detail depicting Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca was created around the 16th century. Furthermore, early Spanish sources written by clerics tend to identify the god-ruler Quetzalcoatl of these narratives with either Hernán Cortés or St. Thomas—an identification which is also a source of diversity of opinions about the nature of Quetzalcoatl. Arabian equivalent Similar to what happened with the gods of the Greek and Roman cultures, there is usually some confusion when it comes to pointing out several aspects of any Mesoamerican civilization, like the Aztec calendar for instance, which is frequently associated with the Mayan people. Quetzalcoatl as depicted in the Codex Borbonicus. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. They travelled past Cholula (in Puebla), into the Yucatan and Chichén Itzá, and may even have gone as far as El Salvador. Among the Aztecs, the name Quetzalcoatl was also a priestly title, as the two most important priests of the Aztec Templo Mayor were called "Quetzalcoatl Tlamacazqui". In the iconography of the classic period Maya serpent imagery is also prevalent: a snake is often seen as the embodiment of the sky itself, and a vision serpent is a shamanic helper presenting Maya kings with visions of the underworld. Powers: As we know from stories of old, Quetzalcoatl’s physical powers and intelligence knew no bounds. The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices, and in colonial traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice. 78r (Click on image to enlarge), Pic 5: Quetzalcóatl-Ehécatl. He ground the bones and mixed them with his blood, creating the first humans of the 5th (and current) sun. Vision Serpent depicted on lintel 15 from Yaxchilan. Codex Borbonicus : Xipe. LDS Church President John Taylor wrote: The story of the life of the Mexican divinity, Quetzalcoatl, closely resembles that of the Savior; so closely, indeed, that we can come to no other conclusion than that Quetzalcoatl and Christ are the same being. On the basis of the different symbolic systems used in portrayals of the feathered serpent deity in different cultures and periods, scholars have interpreted the religious and symbo… Quetzalcoatl, le dieu aztèque et toltèque; le serpent emplumé, dieu du vent, l’apprentissage et le sacerdoce, maître de la vie, créateur et civilisateur, patron de chaque art et inventeur de la métallurgie, dans le Codex Borbonicus. Guises: Ehécatl (Wind) / Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli (Venus), Xolotl (the dog twin or ‘double’ of Quetzalcoatl), and the mythical human priest, Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl.Emblem: A half-conch, symbol of creation.Active: The Feathered Serpent was represented as a deity in Mesoamerica from the Pre-classic period until the conquest in 1521.Favourite Colour: Blue and Black (Ehécatl) or Red and White pinstripe (Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli). p. 529 Wikipédia Wikimédia The meaning of his local name in other Mesoamerican languages is similar. The bottom left-hand symbol is for wind. Over the West presides the White Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl, the god of light, justice, mercy and wind. Snake God of Aztec On the basis of the different symbolic systems used in portrayals of the feathered serpent deity in different cultures and periods, scholars have interpreted the religious and symbolic meaning of the feathered serpent deity in Mesoamerican cultures. He first donned bird-like features in the Olmec period (1400-400 BC), becoming a Quetzal-feathered Serpent in the Classic period (200-900 AD), long before the Aztecs were around (1325-1521 AD). Considered by some to be Quetzalcoatl’s double, assistant or twin, Xolotl aided Quetzalcoatl when he descended to the Mictlan to recover the bones of humankind. 'S special topic mouth-watering a creator deity having contributed essentially to the morning and evening star,... 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