IPM, undoubtedly since last few years has been a much talked scientific phenomenon in Bangladesh, particularly in the area of the agricultural policy makers. An experiment was conducted by Aktaruzzamn et al. Modeling perspectives. Leave a Reply Cancel reply ( / ) ( / ) ( / ) ( / ) Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Effect of cultural and mechanical practices on fruit infestation by weight in, cucumber grown in 1997-98 cropping season at BSMRAU, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Figures followed by similar letter in a column are statistically similar at 5 percent level by DMRT. ........ Major Vegetable Group that Helps to Overcome Summer Vegetable Crisis! Two species of fruit flies, the Ethiopian fruit fly D. ciliatus L. and melon fly, B.cucurbitae C are the predominant species damaging cucurbits and melons. Similarly trend of fruit infestation by weight was observed in case of fruits harvested at early fruiting stage (Table 2). Spraying Due to its nature of infestation, it is very difficult to control the pest. The first We are the leading Best Pest Control service provider in Chennai,Madurai,Coimbatore,trichy and Bangalore.Termite controlRat controlBed Bugs ControlCockroach ControlAll Residential & Commercial Pest Controlhttps://www.uniquepestcontrol.in/.Call Now: 9941916916, Thanks For Your Information ! The extent of yield-loss caused by the pest to cucurbita-ceous vegetables ranges from 30–100%, depending upon cucurbit species and the sea-son (Dhillon et al. The problem of cucurbit-infesting fruit flies worldwide and in Réunion. The About nine days are required for attainment of sexual maturity after the adult fly emerges. 1990; and Ramphall and Gill 1990). As usual, the fruit fly catches in cuelure baited traps were 5-10 times higher than that caught in MSG traps. • Only the maggot cause damage by feeding on near ripe fruits, riddling (piercing) them and polluting the pulp. This study indicates that bagging of fruits at 3 days after anthesis and left for 5 days produced the lowest value of weight reduction per fruit. Maggots feed inside the fruits, but at times also f… Data has been collected from secondary sources and in consultation with resource personnel. I have hired a local Pest control port macquarie service on the suggestion of my friend. To identify some approaches for the management of cucurbit fruit fly. Cucurbit fruit fly is the most destructive pest of bitter gourd throughout the country. 1993). Therefore, this study indicated that the treatment T2 where bagging of fruits was done at 3 days after anthesis and maintained for 5 days reduced the fruit infestation by weight significantly throughout the whole reproductive stages (Table 2). Nasiruddin & Karim (1992) recommended collection and destruction of infested fruits with larvae inside for reducing fruits fly population on snake gourd. They observed that fruit fly infestation rates in snake gourd fruits in bait trap treatment plot was 4.9% against 22.5% infested fruits in the control plot which differed significantly (P<0.05; Table 4) . Both An effectiveness of various IPM packages for the management of fruit fly on cucumber was reported by Akhtaruzzaman (1999). The other species D.zonatus S. has also been reported to damage long melon. I chose to go for general fruit fly control measures. Hand picking of infested fruits+ bait spray with Malathion and molasses. Weight reduction per fruit recorded at fruit initiation, early fruiting and late fruiting stages under T2 were also minimal and the trend of reduction was similar to mean values of all stages (Table 3). The Weight reduction over control was higher in T4 treated plot and lower in T2 treated plot . LIFE CYCLE OF CUCURBIT FRUT FLY. Therefore, keeping in view the importance of the pest and crop, the melon fruit fly management could be done using local area manag… The effective control of fruit fly in cucurbit demands some new approaches which don’t rely only on chemicals, reduce the use of chemicals, safeguard the environment and ensure economical and social acceptance. The cucurbit fruit fly Bactrocera cucurbitae can attack about 16 different types of cucurbit crops. resinous encrustation at the sites of ovipositional punctures due to discharge A. grandis is a pest of various cultivated species of Cucurbitaceae, especially pumpkin (Cucurbita spp. Bait trap showed the best performance than untreated control plot. BACKGROUND Based on various survey results and the past researches reports, among destructive pests of cucurbits, Bacterocera cucurbitae is prominent since few decades. vigour of the plant and thereby its yield is adversely affected. Infested No. Several biotic factors limit the production and productivity of cucurbits, of which the cucurbit fruit fly, Bactrocera cu-curbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae), has been the most prominent pest. 7. attacked plants may wither away and re-sowing of the crop may become necessary Effect of cultural and mechanical practice on infestation of fruit fly in cucumber grown in 1997-98 cropping season at BSMRAU, Gazipur, Bangladesh, Figures followed by similar letter in a column are statistically similar at 5 percent level by DMRT. Among them, cucurbit fruit fly is the serious pest responsible for considerable damage of cucurbits (Alam 1969, Butani and Jotwani 1984). Several authors highly advocated hand picking of infested fruits to reduce fruit fly damage on cucurbit vegetables. The noteworthy feature of the mashed sweet gourd trap was that it captured both male (25) and female (61) fruit flies, indicating its biological impact in the management of cucurbit fruit fly. However, this wasp is... Cucurbits planted between December and February suffer more losses than those planted earlier. 6. The Because of the difficulties associated with the control of this pest by chemical insecticides, farmers experienced great losses in … The red Growing 0.5g Dipterex + 100ml water). Percent fruit fly infestation by number and fruit yield were studied by IPM packages. fruits are either rotten or deformed in shape due to the microbial infection. Considering the alarming consequences of pesticide usage and residual effect on the environment, pragmatic programme is now needed worldwide to minimize the dependency on insecticides without hampering crop production. Comments Leave a Comment; Posted in Life cycle of insects; Full-size × LIFE CYCLE OF BRINJAL SHOOT AND FRUIT BORER. Effect of different bagging on weight reduction per fruit at different reproductive, stages in cucumber grown in 1997-98 cropping season at BSMRAU, Gazipur, Bangladesh, Management of fruit fly by Cultural & mechanical control. fruits with apparent firmness and growth show internal decay and foul smell Yield losses due to fruit fly infestation vary from 19.19 to 69.96 percent in different fruits and vegetables (Kabir et al. Fruit fly capture in pheromone dispensers and mashed sweet gourd traps, BARI, Figures in each column are averages of four replications; figures followed by the same letter are not significantly different, Fruit fly capture in pheromone dispensers and bait traps, winter season 1999-2000, Efficacy of pheromone and indigenous bait trap for fruit fly control. Insects have been shown to be capable of perceiving color and there is considerable variation in terms of wavelength perceived by different insect (Atkins 1978). We handle all Residential and Commercial projects with environmentally, eco-friendly and pet friendly control solutions, fully insured and offer a 6 Month guarantee to all our customers. Cucumber yields in pheromone and sweet gourd baited fields were comparable (Table 9). The highest weight reduction was observed in untreated plots which was similar to those from cultural control plots (Table 6). neem oil cake in the soil has been reported to kill the pest larvae. Percent fruit infestation by number, percent fruit fly infestation by weight and percent weight reduction per fruit were studied by mechanical and cultural practices. At mid-fruiting stage the efficacy of T1, T3 and T4 on reduction of infested fruit by weight was not satisfactory and percent of infested fruit by weight under these treatments was not statistically different from that of untreated control (T5). The cucurbit fruit flies were prevalent in the field throughout the year and they were attracted continually to cuelure baited traps even when there was no cucurbit crop in the field or in the neighborhood. Cuelure +methyl eugenol + naled captured significantly more fruit flies (269) than any other treatment. are the major threats to mango, guava, papaya, peach, pear and cucurbits in India. Significantly the lowest weight of infested fruit was obtained in the fruits harvested from mechanically controlled plots (Table 5). Effect of cultural and mechanical practices on weight reduction per fruit at various, reproductive stages of cucumber grown in 1997-98 cropping season at BSMRAU, Gazipur, Bangladesh, Management of fruit fly by pheromone and indigenous bait traps. Stanes Entrap Cucurbit Fruit Fly Trap – Bukoola Chemicals Stanes Entrap Cucurbit Fruit Fly Trap Stanes Entrap consists of lure packets, a cylindrical container with … The result strongly suggests that the pheromone cuelure possesses strong luring capacity to attract fruit flies from a wide distance, whereas MSG is effective in attracting only the fruit flies which are present within a cucurbit crop. Catches in mashed sweet gourd and methyl eugenol + naled were the lowest, 86 and 18, respectively. adult insect also feed on the leaves of grown up plant by scrapping off their The The higher the fruit fly capture the lesser was the fruit infestation and higher was the yield. Technology, economical trends, and knowledge transfer. Fruit flies are important pests of fruits, vege-tables, and other ornamental plants (Bharathi et al. The pattern of fly catches in year 2000 and 2001 shows that continuous mass trapping has probably reduced the fruit fly population in the area. Among them, cucurbit fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett is the major pest responsible for considerable damage (Butani and Jotwani, 1984). Relevance of agroecological population management techniques. The mean of all stages of fruit fly infestation was significantly lower (5.53%) in T2 where bagging of fruits at 3 days after anthesis was made and retained for 5 days (Table 1). They observed the following result: During the summer season of 2000 and 2001, the higher the fruit fly capture the lesser was the fruit infestation and higher was the yield. He observed the following result: The mean values of infestation at all stages of reproduction under IPM package 3 (Cypermethrin applied at15 days intervals + bagging fruits at 3 DAA and left for 5 days + bait trap) was lower (3.54%) but statistically similar to that of package 2(Cypermethrin at 15 days intervals + bait spray with Malathion + molasses + bait trap) and package 4 (hand picking of infested fruits + bait trap). early that the plant passes the cotyledon stage by the time the beetles become in Summer Squash: Sapkota, Rekha: Amazon.sg: Books Cucurbit fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae(Coquillett), is one of the most important pests of cucurbits, and squash (Cucurbita pepo Lin.) The values of fruit infestation by weight under T1, T3, T4 and untreated control plots were statistically comparable to each other. The highest weight reduction occurred in fruits of untreated control plot, which was statistically similar to T2 treated plot. The infested fruits at each harvest were weighed and added for each reproductive stage and presented in Table 5. and drain out fruit juice through punctures. beetles feed voraciously on the leaf lamina by making irregular holes. A large number of cucurbit vegetables, viz., bottle gourd, bitter gourd, sweet gourd, snake gourd, white gourd, ridge gourd, sponge gourd, kakrol, cucumber etc. A positive relation was evident between the overall fruit fly infestation by number and fruit infestation by weight for various treatments and reproductive stages. Contact https://safepestcontrol.net.au/ today, Sydney's leading Pest specialists for over a decade. Hello! Fruit flies, Bactrocera spp. Their services are 100% organic and safe. active. Cucurbit fruit fly Bactrocera cucurbitae, is one of the most important pests of cucurbits.. Photo about green, adult, macro, close, natural, insect, nature, inject, gourd - 159080195 On the contrary, all the pheromone traps captured only males (Table 8 and Fig.2). Pumpkin Fruit Fly, Bactrocera curcubitae (Diptera: Tephritidae) • This is the most destructive pest of cucurbits. Using Fruit fly capture, yield and fruit infestation in cucumber. The mean percent of infested fruits of all stages from mechanical control (9.48%) showed the lower level of infestation compared with field sanitation (19.18%) and control (24.10%). The fruits of cucurbits, of which the melon fly is a serious pest, are picked up at short intervals for marketing and self-consumption. beetles, but repeated application at an interval of 7 days are necessary. Percent weight reduction per fruit due to fruit fly infestation calculated for the entire reproductive stages and its reduction over control are presented in Table 13.The over all weight reduction per fruit ranged from 35.19 % to 52.27%.The lowest weight reduction per fruit was obtained from T4 treated plot, but it was statistically similar to T3 treated plot. The treatment should be applied as soon as the pest appears and repeated A cluster method have been developed and suggested by Kapoor (1993) to control these pests. The fruit fly capture can create a negative impact on fruit infestation. The use of alternative to toxic chemicals for the management of cucurbit fruit fly are as follows: This method has been tried with the use of colorless polythene bags having a few holes made with an ordinary pin (Narayer and Batra, 1960). An experiment was conducted by Rahman et al. In Cucurbit Fruit Fly Fruit flies are most damaging for cucurbitaceous crops. water. This might lead to develop the IPM package(s) against this pest. The higher the fruit fly captured the lesser was the fruit infestation and the higher was yield. Under the supervision of our Mentor “Avinash Dhobale”, we are proficiently moving towards success in this domain. More than 40 per cent of ridge gourd and snake gourd were affected by fruit fly. pest can be killed by spraying Malathion/ Fyfanon/ Zythiol 50 EC @2 ml of But, your job is well done.pest control Brisbane south. Such rotten or deformed fruits are not fit for sale or human consumption. maximum damage is done when the crop is in the cotyledon stage. is highly prone to damage by this pest in Nepal. A poisoned bait gave good control of fruit flies (Steiner et al. Cucurbits are infested by several insect pests which are considered to be the significant obstacles for economic production. Bagging of individual cucumber at 3 days after anthesis (DAA) and left for 5 days significantly reduced the fruit fly infestation compared to bagging at 1, 5, 7 DAA and left for 3, 7, and 7 days respectively. Bitter gourd was also affected the same by 15 per cent. Also grubs and adults can be seen on the ventral surface of the leaves. It occurs in the Andean countries, Paraguay, southern Brazil, and northern Argentina. The trends in the level of fruit fly infestation at other three reproductive stages including mean of all stages were the same. The mean value of weight reduction per fruit ( %) recorded under T2 (bagging of fruits at 3 days after anthesis and kept for 5 days) was statistically significant. The 5. (2002) on effectiveness of different color ribbons for suppressing fruit fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae Coq.) As an IPM package Cypermethrin @ 0.5 ml/liter of water at 15 days intervals +bagging of fruits at 3 DAA and kept for 5 days + bait trap might be considered as the best package in reducing fruit infestation and increasing yield. Mannan (2004) stated that the yield losses due to fruit fly pest population can be suppressed effectively and its infestation can be Cucurbitae can attack about 16 different types of cucurbit fruit fly on cucumber was reported by Akhtaruzzaman ( 1999 on... For recommending a student for higher Studies, Assignment on Campaign and Report on Damages... The microbial infection the IPM package ( s ) against this pest in Nepal T3, T4 and untreated plot! Best performance was package 3 ( Cypermethrin 15 days interval pest in Nepal Summer is tremendously low (.. Still popular to the ground, and destroy them 's Book Store and foul smell when cut.... Very serious in T2 treated plot and lower in T2 treated plot fly mashed! 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