Good service is hard to find these days and I appreciate it when I get it. I had a few I was suspicious of. Precious Metals Verifier PRO | Sigma Metalytics The most accurate test, it will require you to buy test acid for silver. There are fake silver coins, bars, flatware, etc. 10k 14k 18k 22k Gold and Silver Test Kit with PRO Testing Stone Fake Gold Real Silver Bullion Bar Sample. Silver is paramagnetic so if you slide the magnet down a piece of silver, then it will go down slowly. So if a piece of silver sticks to a magnet, then you can be sure that it's fake. Test the purity of gold, silver, platinum and palladium coins and bars with the Sigma Metalytics Precious Metals Verifier advanced precious metal scanning machine. It's unfortunate but it's reality and silver is no exception. I have used these little instruments since the big rush circa 79-80, and have never seen them fooled by a fake, though they have identified many "off-weight" fakes over the years. Precious Metals Testers, Verifiers, Analyzers, and Decoder Lenses. "My Fisch have already prevented me from purchasing 3 counterfeit Mexican 50 Peso coins - The coins were the exact correct weight but were slightly too thick and slightly too large in diameter. Silver is a good thermal conductor. Niton DXL and Niton XL2 gold testers are equipped with proprietary Thermo Scientific AuDIT gold-plating detection technology.Several independent, complementary methods in the AuDIT (Au/gold Detection & Identification Technology) software work in tandem to alert you to the probability that an item is plated, regardless of the gold concentration of the plated surface layer. ", "Your gauges saved me $4000. Love the neat package it comes in - I thought we'd just get the testers in a jumble, but the nice D-ring folder is a lovely bonus. Check the Label First. A combination of these tests can determine the legitimacy of your silver. Magnetic Slide Test. It lasts longer on real silver than on fake silver. You would then put the acid on the stone. 4 The time for the Passover Festival was near. We use this digital Sigma Metalytics to detect fake or counterfeit coins in our offices, and large wholesalers around the country use it as well. Nickels 1942-45 (war nickels) are 35% silver. If your item is silver-plated then you will need to file through the surface of your item in order to get to its core. 3 So Jesus went on up the mountainside and sat down there with his disciples. Many standard metals are stored in the Sigma Metalytics Tester and can be selected by the user. ", "If it wasn't for the Fisch, I would have bought a phony gold coin. If the acid turns the wrong color then it's fake. Here is what you should look at: denomination, date, quality, weight, diameter, thickness, and edge type. This tool is highly recommended by gold dealers and bankers...". If it passes, it is not a common metal or tungsten fake. I. The Fisch with the Ringer makes you your own gold expert. For example here are the specifications for the popular American Silver Eagle coin: It's helpful to take the real coin, and then visually compare the dimensions side by side to the potentially fake coin. … This is an easy and inexpensive test to do- all you need is an ice cube. Simple weight can be determined using any scale with accuracy to at least 0.1 grams (scales with accuracy to two or three decimal places are preferable). John 6 Good News Translation (GNT) Jesus Feeds Five Thousand. Karat and Purity Analysis You can measure the weight, thickness, diameter, and shape of four different coins (including the American Silver Eagle) using a tool called the Fisch. The Slide, is a product use to test the purity of the silver with a most simple and fastest way. IMHO, the Fisch is convenient without being too complacent. Here are two methods that apply specifically to silver coins. So be a discerning silver … If you place a strong, rare-earth magnet called a Neodymium magnet on a silver coin or bar, it should not easily stick to it. Put the real coin on the scale and record the weight. For this test, you just put a drop of acid on your silver item. Other ways of determining the authenticity of silver is through a jeweler’s scale (to determine weight), a jeweler’s loupe (to check for details especially in coins), and to a certain extreme, XRF analyzer machines that uses x ray fluorescence. Small, large and bullion testing wands. The testing mechanism is use the strong magnetic (Neodymium Magnets N45) in The Slide, and the real silver coins will slide slowly, steady and smoothly. ", "I have used these little instruments since the big rush circa 79-80, and have never seen them fooled by a fake, though they have identified many "off-weight" fakes over the years. 10/04/2020 New Monthly Wrap Up. You will need to closely follow the instructions that came with your acid solution. Does it pass the eye test? ", "I checked a 100 Corona coin today and it was fake, too large around, too thick, and not heavy enough. Authentic gold and silver coins chime when struck and the difference is … The Fisch checks the weight, diameter, thickness and shape of a gold coin. Silver is not magnetic. You want to use a strong magnet when conducting any magnet test. How to detect fake gold coins with The Fisch, How to detect tungsten fake gold coins with The Ringer by Fisch,,, Silver, Gold American Eagles Most Counterfeited Bullion Coins, says ICTA. Dimes and quarters made before 1964 are 90% silver. Not Recommended for Coins and Jewelry. 2 A large crowd was following him because they were observing the miraculous signs he was performing on the sick. ", "... the Fisch system to detect bogus gold and silver coins is well worth considering. The biggest bullion dealers, banks and mints, such as One of the biggest red flags is the font. These 4 checks will detect all common metal counterfeits. We have methods for any type of silver, and specific methods for silver coins. Here is a test that is easy and free to do. Anyhow...the detector worked like a charm--the coin couldn't pass all the tests. Used in over 70 countries around the world. Listen here! ", "Well,ninety minutes later the Fisch had flagged up eight coins as being oversize in diameter,the coins would not pass through the slot, or fit in to the recess.. All of the coins passed the weight test. ", "I'm thrilled with them--very easy to use, and I'm pleased to say all my gold passed the test (whew!) The larger of the two wands can be used for coins weighing between a ¼ ounce and one-ounce; the smaller wand can be used for even smaller bullion products such as a one-gram bar, 1/10 ounce coins, or other similarly sized bullion products. One solution that is not inexpensive but is rather fool proof are the Fisch tools for detecting counterfeit gold coins and bars; now even silver coins. You just need a real coin to match up with your potentially fake coin. This tester has a full range of karat determination from 6 to 24 … Test and detect the purity of gold and silver coins and bars with our advanced precious metal scanning machine to detect fake or counterfeit coins. Silver is non-magnetic. FREE Shipping. Do you know what silver should look like? The TriElectronics GXL-Next tester is developed to provide buyers and sellers of Gold SIlver and Platinum products to make preliminary non-destructive assessments of gold silver and platinum. 4.5 out of 5 stars 39. Coupon Code is not a dealer or refiner. I immediately rejected the coin and requested a replacement. $19.99 $ 19. The testing machanism is by the strong magnatic in The Slide. This is because pure silver is affected by the magnetic. I purchased the full set of gold detectors and love them. Quickly and easily authenticate your precious metal coins and bars with the Precious Metal Verifier made by Sigma Metalytics. Call 800-223-1080 for details! is a participant in various affiliate programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.This is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. This gold and silver testing and detection scanner is used to measure the bulk metal in a bullion bar or coin and ensure that the metal matches the electrical characteristics that would be expected of it. The silver coins checked by The Fisch have a density (weight) different to the metals commonly used to make fakes of these coins. Whether they come from a private mint or a sovereign mint, Silver coin values will differ. So if you have gold then check out our article on how to test gold. Since 1980. Some people try to save money by using vinegar instead of acid but vinegar won't give you accurate results. The testing scanner can assess a sample in less than one second without affecting the coin or … For this test, you just put a drop of acid on your silver item. A real silver coin makes a warm ringing sound for a couple seconds upon hitting something hard. If you are concerned about picking up a counterfeit coin, I really recommend these--I feel much more confident about making purchases now. Buy at the lowest price guaranteed! The overall price of your coin will change with the spot price, but Silver coin values also vary depending on factors such as mintage, scarcity and condition. ", "I showed The Fisch to my local dealer and he pulled out a Krug he was stuck with that he knew was counterfeit. ", "The detectors are a breeze to use, am I am pleased to report that all my coins checked out just fine (whew!) Note: Fake silver can pass some of these methods. The acid itself is usually a mixture of nitric acid and muriatic acid. Real silver coins have precise dimensions and a consistent weight: Any coin that is too big or too small, too light or too heavy, is obviously a fake. The color appeared the same as the others. We do not buy or sell precious metal. In addition. With a jeweler's loupe you can also examine the coin's detail. 2 A large crowd followed him, because they had seen his miracles of healing the sick. There is also the magnet slide test. This test can easily weed out fakes that are made of steel or iron. For two real uncirculated bullion coins, there shouldn't be any difference at all. ", "Actually, that reminds me, I've been using a Fisch fake detector for years on krugerrands ever since I saw a big dealer in London using one on sovereigns. Can you test silver with a magnet? Coins and bullion make great opportunities to grow the value of your collection. Includes FREE access to Check out our new monthly summary on the Articles Page. Genuine American Eagle gold coin versus a tungsten fake. The coins were drilled and filled with lead. ", The Fisch for Krugerrands and American Eagles, The Fisch for BOTH Krugerrands/American Eagles AND Maple Leafs, Order Now If the acid becomes red, your item is genuine sterling silver. Checks the major gold & silver coins - Krugerrand, American Eagle, Maple Leaf, Philharmonic, American Buffalo, US $20, Sovereign, Mexican 50 Pesos, Silver American Eagle, Silver Maple Leaf, Silver Philharmonic, US Silver Dollar and more. By weight in hand I didn't notice anything significant. The weight that is engraved on a coin or bar should match up to its actual weight. ", "I use a Fisch gold detector - pretty much foolproof. One of the best and easiest ways to find out whether the silver jewellery you … If it turns the correct color then the silver is real. For example, the user can select pure gold, 22K gold, 90% gold, or American Eagle Gold; for silver, pure silver, sterling silver, 90% silver and Britannia silver; pure platinum, palladium, rhodium, and copper also have stored values. United States Gold Bureau (USGB) is a private distributor of Gold, Silver & Platinum coins from the U.S. Mint and is not affiliated with the U.S. Government. I also rejected one coin for being oversize and a strange colour. Heavily embossed surfaces on coins can make ultrasonic coupling and results inconsistent. ", "Never, but NEVER sell short the idea that there ARE fake gold coins out there. Home | User Agreement | Privacy Policy | Advertising | Contact. You could buy a lot of real silver for the cost of one of these products. Don't throw your hard-earned money away! ", "We have received our first Fisch purchase, and are very happy with it. Many were from supposedly reputable dealers. The United States Mint and The Royal Canadian Mint, An XRF analyzer will scan an item and both detect and identify its metal contents. This test will not damage your coin very much, but it's still not a good idea to do it on numismatic coins. ", "I've had only two occasions where Mexican 50-peso gold pieces were detected, failing the "weight" check when subjected to the Fisch system. The ice cube test determines whether a piece of silver bullion is genuine by measuring its thermal conductivity. It's already saved me more than the purchase price. Lead is 8-10% heavier, copper 13-15% lighter and brass 17-20% lighter than silver. 99. Here we give you the top ways to spot counterfeit silver. You could also take a silver item and rub it against a testing stone. To measure the weight properly you need to have a calibrated scale that is accurate to at least .1 grams, although .01 grams is preferable. Small Wand – The small wand can be used to test smaller samples, such as 1-gram bars, CombiBars, 1/10-ounce coins, 90% silver dimes, etc. Paid for themselves many times over. Currently The Slide is the world most awesome silver tester. Made my job easy. 6 After this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (also called the Sea of Tiberias). 13 Ways to Spot Fakes: Simple ping test to detect fake silver coins and bars. It needs to be the same type of coin, for example take two American Silver Eagles. The Ringer detects common metal counterfeits. The Fisch proved they were 100% good. So if you put an ice cube on top of your silver item, then the ice cube will start to melt quickly. ", "Of late, I use a Fisch, but I have physically measured and weighed in the past. The magnetic slide detects fake silver through an 'intrinsic property' known as diamagnetism. "Received my order today. You just look up the actual specifications of the coin in question and then compare them to your coin. Easy To Use Fake Coin Detector. 6 After this, Jesus went across Lake Galilee (or, Lake Tiberias, as it is also called). The easiest way to conduct this test is to place a real silver coin and a potentially fake silver coin side by side. Ring Test Try the ring test with any coin. Gold and Silver American Eagle coins are available at FideliTrade. The Fisch. Half dollars are split, 1948-1964 being 90% silver, and 1965-70 being 40% silver. 1. Easy to use, easy to understand detector protects you from fake gold & silver coins. 4.4 out of 5 stars 41. Also note that most of these tests also work for gold. You can also look at the overall quality of an item with a jewelers loupe and see its craftsmanship as well as the engraving. These products are very expensive, retailing for thousands of dollars. It's even better if the coins were minted in the same year, otherwise there could be some small differences. If you test a piece of fake silver, then the magnet will either stick or slide down quickly. Since silver has one of the highest levels of thermal conductivity, the ice should begin melting instantly upon placement. The coin dealer replaced the nine coins with no problem at all. But if your acid turns brown or green, it means that the concentration of silver is only 80% or 50%, respectively. Section. The Verifier uses new wand technology that penetrates the surface of gold and silver bars to a depth of 2 mm. I buy from a trusted coin dealer who's already checked the coins and doesn't mind in the slightest when I check my potential purchases...", "I test all my coins using a Fisch gold detector device to ensure they're real. When you hit real silver with another piece of silver it creates a ping noise. There is a less invasive chemical test called the silver Acid Test. So be careful with the acid solution and make sure to wear gloves and eye protection. ", "Get yourself a Fisch, much easier and portable than a scale and set of calipers when out shopping. This involves purchasing a specific acid which you would then place a few drops of onto the item. Gold Silver Platinum Testing Acids 6 Bottles 6 Scratch Test Stones Precious Metals Kit by Best Jewelry Supply. ", "But, I loved your tools. I don't buy frequently, but when I do, I want what I'm paying for. The Slide (Silver Magnetic Tester) The Slide is a product use to test the purity of the silver with a most simple and fastest way. Receive free shipping when you purchase 20 ounces of gold and 500 ounces of silver. If the acid turns the wrong color then it's fake. If it sticks or it slides very quickly, it is not silver. It shouldn't be too shiny but it should still have a little shine to it. ", "For less money than a cheap shotgun, your readers could add to their arsenal of tools for not getting cheated if in some future the normal economy has become discombobulated. If you are testing bars, you can angle one at 45 degrees and let the magnet slide down.
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