Today we will learn about a special searching algorithm named interpolation sort. Discussion on Interpolation Search, Algorithm, Big Oh runtime, and C++ code. Code to implement Interpolation Search It parallels how humans search through a telephone book for a particular name, the key value by which the book's entries are ordered. So my question is what is the time and space complexity of the interpolation search? . I know it is similar to binary search so but surely it does not have the same time and space complexity as a binary search algorithm? Modification of Binary Search is Interpolation Search which goes to an appropriate location according to ⦠have shown that interpolation search (under favorable conditions) is . Worst Case: The worst case occurs when ITEM is present at the last location of the list, or it is not there at al. If values are not uniformly distributed, the worst-case time complexity is O(n), the same as linear search. This searching algorithm resembles the method by which one might search a telephone book for a name: with each step, the algorithm calculates where in the remaining search space the target element might be based on the value of the bounds compared to the target element. 13, No. The binary search and interpolation search algorithms are better in performance compared to both ordered and unordered linear search functions. . Suppose we have an ordered table of numeric keysxl