This includes an evacuation plan that also anticipates the evacuation of a child who is non-ambulatory or who has a disability. Foster care nondiscrimination laws protect LGBTQ foster parents and families from discrimination by foster care agencies and officials. (16) "Reside" means living in the home for any cumulative thirty days of the past 12 months. (b) The foster home must have no licensing sanctions currently imposed, including corrective action plans or conditional licenses. (17) The Agency shall not grant any variance to this R501-12 or any other regulation without the prior written consent of the Director of the Office of Licensing. Previously certified homes shall request a written reference letter from the last agency where they were certified, and every agency they have been certified by within the past 3 years, to be sent directly to the Office of Licensing or Agency. However, other general pet care facilities laws may apply to these groups. (11) A foster parent shall report any potential change in address in advance to the Office or Agency. (b) A narrative home study shall be completed by an adoption service provider as described in 78B-6-128(2)(c) and may be used for adoptive purposes. (1) An applicant may be licensed for the placement of a specific foster child or sibling group. (10) "Hazardous Material" means any substance that if ingested, inhaled, ignited, used, or touched may cause significant injury, illness, or death. A list of agencies with links to their homepages is available at or from (a) Each applicant shall disclose all previous foster care licenses and certifications, including those outside the State of Utah. It’s easy and we’re there every step of the way. (ii) Verification of current CPR/first aid training for each prospective foster parent. These included California Senate and Assembly bills pertaining to foster care and disturbed children's programs, and the Handbook issued by Child Welfare Services. Section 78A-6-307. (d) If the foster parent is not satisfied with the results of the agency conference with Child and Family Services and a foster child is to be removed from the foster home, an administrative hearing shall be held through the Department of Human Services, Office of Administrative Hearings. Early Christian church records indicate orphaned children lived with widows who were paid by the church. R501-12-4. (19) The Agency shall provide ongoing supervision of certified foster parents to ensure the quality of care they provide. (2) If the child was removed as specified in Rule R512-31-4(4), the foster parent shall submit a written request for a hearing no later than ten days after receiving the Notice of Agency Action. (15) Foster parents shall have and use child safety devices appropriate to the needs of the foster child, including but not limited to safety gates and electrical outlet covers. Documentation of passive physical restraint training certification shall be submitted to the Office of Licensing or Agency with the initial and each renewal application. (b) No person may be denied a foster care license or certification on the basis of the religion, race, color, or national origin of any individual. (3) The Agency shall recruit, train, certify, and supervise foster parents. No more than one reference may be a relative of the applicant. (i) The locked storage for firearms and ammunition shall not be accessible through the same keys or combinations. (a) Foster parents shall utilize reasonable and prudent judgment in selecting a provider of incidental care of a foster child; (b) incidental care is permitted only in DHS licensed homes, not those certified by child placing agencies. (18) Swimming pools will be secured in order to prevent unsupervised access and comply with applicable community ordinances. (i) Hazardous materials shall be stored in the manufacturer's original packaging together with the manufacturer's directions and warnings; or. (i) Verification of successful completion of agency approved pre-service training by each applicant within the past 24 months, and. (b) Every precaution must be taken to participate in the respective activity as safely as possible. The administrative law judge shall determine if Child and Family Services has abused its discretion in removing the child from the foster home, i.e., the decision was arbitrary and capricious. Federal guidelines require states to assist children during their transition from foster care to independence, beginning as early as the state agencies find appropriate, and in some cases as early as age 13. (ii) If the juvenile court judge currently assigned to the child's case is not available, another juvenile court judge. (15) "Poverty Guidelines" means the current US Department of Health and Human Services listing of poverty levels as determined by the number of members of a family (see (iii) a verification that the applicant(s) have read and understand R501-12 Foster Care Services; (b) Background Screening: a completed background screening application for each member of the household who is 18 years of age or older, including any supplemental documentation that the application requires; (c) Financial Viability: a written statement of household income and expenses, together with consecutive current pay stubs or income tax forms; (i) The Office of Licensing or Agency may consider poverty guidelines when evaluating the dependence of a foster parent on foster payments for their own expenses. (3) Medication shall not be discontinued without the approval of the foster child's health provider. Utah guardianship may be granted to a competent adult for a minor child or an incapacitated adult (the ward). (15) Foster parents shall not accept the placement of a child into their home in violation of any license conditions. (c) A probationary license whose terms are not met prior to the expiration of that license shall be extended in corrective or penalty status. Almost half of the children in foster care in Utah are ages 12–18. A background screening application is also required at the point any new individual over the age of 18 moves into the home. (b) A professional mental health examination of a prospective or current foster parent may be required by the Office of Licensing or the Agency if there are concerns regarding the individual's mental status which may impair functioning as a foster parent. (ii) Newborn infants must reach the required age and receive their first dose of required vaccinations to be considered appropriately immunized for their age. (d) Firearms may be stored in display cases only if unloaded and rendered inoperable through the effective use of trigger locks, bolts removed, or other disabling methods. Background screening approvals and renewal activities have to be completed prior to license expiration. (1) Foster parents shall ensure that prescribed medication is administered according to the written directions of the foster child's health provider. (12) Hazards on the property shall be abated. Code R512-305-1. The Utah Administrative Code is the body of all effective administrative rules as compiled and organized by the Division of Administrative Rules (see Subsection 63G-3-102(5); see also Sections 63G-3-701 and 702). If the child has been placed with the foster parents for a period of at least two years, the foster parent may request a review to be held before removal of the child, by: (i) The juvenile court judge currently assigned to the child's case, or. These areas include but are not limited to fall hazards of 3 feet or greater (steep grades, cliffs, open pits, window wells, stairwells, elevated porches, retaining walls, etc), drowning hazards (swimming pools, hot tubs, water features, ponds or streams, etc), burn hazards (fireplaces, candles, radiators, water, etc), unstable heavy items (televisions, bookshelves, etc), high voltage boosters, or dangerous traffic conditions. If a conflict is not resolved through informal discussion, an agency conference may be requested by the foster parent. (6) Firearms, ammunition, and other weapons shall be inaccessible to children. Its funding is capped at $140 million a year, and state allocations are based on each state ' s share of the nation ' s foster care population. NOTE TO RULEFILING AGENCIES: Use the RTF version for submitting rule changes. Medical reference reports must assess the current ability of the individual to be a foster parent. (b) A foster parent shall not encourage or fail to deter the acts or omissions of another that abuse, neglect, or maltreat a child. A foster parent shall not be licensed or certified unless the background screening applications of all persons 18 years of age or older who reside in the home are approved by the Office of Licensing in compliance with Section 62A-2-120 and R501-14; (vii) financial statement outlining changes to household income, job status, and expenses, including any foreclosures and/or bankruptcies. This may be a land line or a mobile phone, but must be able to receive and make calls and be recognized by the 911 system. (3) If there is an investigation for child abuse, neglect, or dependency involving the foster home, no administrative hearing shall be granted until the investigation is completed. (c) Firearms not stored in a locked container commercially manufactured for the secure storage of firearms shall be unloaded and securely locked. (6) Medication shall not be used for behavior management or restraint unless prescribed in writing by the foster child's health provider and after notification to the Division or Agency worker. (1) "Agency" means a child-placing foster agency licensed by the DHS Office of Licensing to certify foster parents. (12) The Agency shall document all announced and unannounced visits to the home, including an initial safety inspection and a minimum of one unannounced safety inspection annually in addition to any announced or unannounced visits to the home. Ammunition for these firearms shall be kept securely locked in a separate location. (2) Medication shall only be given to the foster child for whom it was prescribed. The Agency shall provide documentation to the Office of Licensing of any investigations into complaints and alleged violations of R501-12. (8) The Agency shall provide the Department with identifying information of all certified foster homes via the DHS/DCFS Provider website located on the Human Services DHS/DCFS Employee website and shall report their list of homes annually and upon request. (2) The Agency shall comply with Background Screening Rules, R501-14. Utah Foster Care is your starting point for fostering or adopting thru foster care in Utah. 1901-1963, the Office of Licensing may issue a waiver of any rule in regards to a kinship/specific home that does not impact the health and safety of the specific child or sibling group. R501-12-10. (c) actively engage in achieving the custodial agency's identified outcomes for foster children. KEY. If you have questions concerning a child or children that are involved with Child and Family Services, please contact us through our client concerns/constituent services here. (d) Foster providers must reside at the license location. (4) Each foster parent shall read, acknowledge, and comply with the Office of Licensing Provider Code of Conduct. (5) Foster parents shall only use behavior management techniques that are positive, consistent, and that promote self-control, self-esteem, and independence. (7) Except as provided by Section 62A-2-116.5 and R501-12-5-8, no more than four foster children shall reside in a licensed foster home and no more than three children shall reside in a certified foster home. Be treated with respect regardless of age, race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, religious beliefs, family relations, or family history. Initial, Renewal, and Reapplication Process. The placement of children in foster care homes is a concept that goes as far back as the Torah and Bible, which refers to caring for dependent children as a duty under law. (e) In the event of a separation or divorce, a provider who no longer resides at the licensed location shall be removed from the license certificate and must apply for a separate initial license and meet all licensing requirements in the new residence in order to become licensed at the new location. See administrative, statutory and policy provisions in all 50 states. (a) Foster parents shall not repackage medications or divide doses into alternative containers. Each of the three agencies provides a different service and interacts with the family at different stages in the adoption process. (7) The Agency shall train each foster parent regarding the Agency's policies and procedures prior to placing a foster child in the home. Foster parent shall provide or otherwise submit to the following annually: (a) Renewal application which addresses all updates and changes to the initial application. (7) Foster parents shall not abuse, threaten, ridicule, intimidate, or degrade a child. Additionally, you cannot serve as a foster parent in Utah if you have more than six children under the age of 18 in the home. Sec. The foster parent shall be notified by personal communication with the foster parent and by written Notice of Agency Action. There are three major steps and three separate agencies involved in completing the process to become a resource family for foster, adopt or foster/adopt. (b) A minimum of three out of the four individuals must submit reference letters directly to the Agency or the Office of Licensing. (3) Emergency contact information, including but not limited to caseworker and Agency information, shall be provided and accessible in each vehicle used to transport foster children. (1) Foster parents shall provide supervision appropriate to the age and needs of each foster child. (2) The home shall be free from health and fire hazards. (12) "Human Services Program" is defined in Section 62A-2-101. (3) Prior to a hearing being granted, an attempt to resolve the conflict shall be made as specified in Rule R512-31-(6)(1)(a) and Rule R512-31-(6)(1)(b). Use these foster care bedroom requirements to make sure your home is equipped and approved.. (i) not engage in conduct that poses a substantial risk of harm to any person or that is illegal or grounds for denying a license under 62A-2-112. This includes, but is not limited to: wearing DOT/Snell approved helmets when riding off-highway vehicles (OHV), completing OHV education, personal watercraft or boating education, wearing Coast Guard approved lifejackets, and completing hunter's education. (c) Each applicant shall sign releases of information for any agency where they previously provided certified or licensed foster care. (i) The type of professional mental health examination required shall be determined by the Office of Licensing or Agency based on the nature of the presenting concerns. (a) Each applicant and all persons 18 years of age or older residing in the home shall submit a background screening application as part of the initial application. Utah Foster Care is your starting point for fostering or adopting thru foster care in Utah. Foster parents shall ensure that foster children properly utilize seatbelts and other safety equipment, including age and size appropriate car/booster seats. (d) The Agency or the Office of Licensing may, in the exercise of their professional judgment, deny or revoke an application or license if a medical reference report or other examination reveals reasonable concerns regarding an applicant's ability to provide foster care services, or if the required examination is not completed and provided to the Agency of the Office of Licensing. 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