Justify your answer. Using the above information, answer the following questions : (i) State the aim of the above experiment. Name the tissue which transports water and mineral in a plant. Oxygen is used in respiration whereas it is given out as a by-product in photosynthesis. Life Processes Class 10 Important Questions Short Answer Type I. Question 27: Write an experiment to demonstrate that CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis. Stomata (ii) One vein has been shown. 11. Answer: ATP provides energy for dark reaction. (2) Why would you select a destarched plant ? Thus, light is necessary for photosynthesis. Difference between single and double circulation in human being. 8. (Root) 2. Radiant energy is converted into chemical energy by photosynthesis. Answer: (i) 1. APlusTopper.com provides ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Biology Chapter 5 Photosynthesis for ICSE Board Examinations. Phosphorylation: The covalent attachment of a phosphate group to a molecule. It takes place is chlorophyll containing thylakoids of chloroplast. Free Energy: The amount of energy in a reactions available to do work. What does Photosynthesis produce? [AI 2008] Answer: Phloem tissues. H2 ———> H+ + OH–. Also, mention the process involved in each of these steps. (iii) (a) I will select white light because photosynthesis is maximum in white light while it is minimum in green light as green light is reflected by green plants. Which would do maximum harm to a tree? (True) 3. So, during day time photosynthesis and stomatal transpiration occurs simultaneously. What does NADP stand for ? Answer: Respiration is a catabolic process while photosynthesis is an anabolic process. How many Chloroplasts can be found per square millimeter of leaf surface? The thylakoids are arranged in stacks known as grana. Insert one of its leaves in a conical flask, which contains potassium hydroxide. Question 25: A candidate in order to study the importance of certain factors in photosynthesis took a potted plant and kept it in the dark for over 24 hours. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through Stomata. (Photo = Light, lysis = Breaking). Answer: The leaves of green plants are specially developed for the purpose of synthesizing food. Answer: 1. ICSE Solutions for Class 10 Biology – Photosynthesis. Chlorophyll 3. Life processes include nutrition, respiration, circulation or transport, excretion, and reproduction. During the process of photosynthesis, plants capture light energy and use it to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and glucose. Question 1. (ii) Explain the process. (True). Intensity of light also determines the rate of photosynthesis. Question 4: The figure below represents an experiment performed to demonstrate a particular aspect of photosynthesis. (ii) Identify the special condition inside the flask. It is a process of splitting of water molecule into 2H+ + 4e- + 1/2 O2 in the presence of sunlight by activated photosynthetic pigments. Answer: Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis is a waste for the plant, so, it is released into air and is used by living organisms in respiration. (False, Photosynthesis occurs in all green plants.) (iv) Give a well balanced equation to represent the process. Question 11: “Oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis.” Comment. (vi) The region of the leaf that was under the black strip turns yellowish-brown showing that no starch was made, while the rest of the leaf turns bluish-black showing the starch was made in the presence of light. 6. 11. A light reaction is a Photochemical reaction. Answer: 1. 3. (ii) It occurs in the grana of chloroplast. Each granum contains around 10-20 thylakoids. Answer: (i) The student is investigating the necessity of sunlight for photosynthesis. How can you explain respiration in a green plant that’s exposed to sunlight? 14. Leaf B and Leaf C will turn blue-black. If false rewrite the wrong statement in its correct form: 1. (iii) After a few hours, the leaf is detached from the plant and the black strips are removed. The hydroxyl ions combine to form hydrogen peroxide 2OH —> H2O2 which decompose to give molecular oxygen, i.e., 2H2O2 ——> 2H2O + O2 (iv). (iv) The leaf is tested for presence of starch as follows: Question 26: A potted plant was taken in order to prove a factor necessary for photosynthesis. (iii) Light is necessary for photosynthesis. The thylakoid system is suspended in the stroma. Photolysis 8. Which one of the following would not be a limiting factor for photosynthesis ? 9. (True) 8. NCERT Class 10 Science Solutions. Answer: ATP and NADPH2 are called assimilatory power. It was then set up as shown in the diagram and exposed to light for about 12 hours. (False, Transpiration occurs along with photosynthesis.) 10. Answer: (i) (ii) Photo chemical phase of photosynthesis is light dependent. (False, Photosynthesis results in gain of dry weight of the plant.) Question 1: Draw a neat and well-labeled diagram of the Chloroplast. During respiration CO2 is given out while during photosynthesis O2 is given out. Answer: Answer has not given due to out of present syllabus. 4. 10. The green colouring matter of the plants. The Questions and Answers of Explain the process of photosynthesis? Question: 1. NADPH 5. 4. Grana 6. Answer: Non-green plants such as fungi and bacteria obtain their nourishment from decaying organic matter in their environment, which comes from dead animals and plants. 12. Answer: During the process of photolysis under light reaction the water molecule split up to release H+ and OH– ions. are solved by group of students and teacher of Class 7, which is also the largest student community of Class 7. All the starch produced in a leaf remains stored in it for 2-3 weeks before it is used by other parts of plant. CO2 is the life supporting gas produced due to photosynthesis. (i) It fakes place in the presence of light. During election transfer NADP get reduced and (rom NADP + H (NADPH2). Question 1. A series of chemical reactions occur is quick succession initiated by light, therefore the phase is called photochemical phase. (a) Loss of half of its branches (b) Loss of half of its flowers (c) Loss of all of its leaves (d) Loss of a little bark, 6. (iii) Animals eat green plants or eat animals that feed on green plants. Photosynthesis is the process through which plants convert light energy from the sun to chemical energy. Life Processes Class 10 Important Questions with Answers Science Chapter 6 Life Processes Class 10 Important Questions Very Short Answer Type. Answer: (i) In the cell organelle called plastids (or chloroplasts). Maximise your exam preparation with Selina Solutions for ICSE Class 10 Biology Chapter 6 Photosynthesis. (ii) Oxygen. Day-length of plants is also an important factor for photosynthesis to be effective. Answer: The splitting of water molecule into two component ions by light is known as photolysis of water. (ii) It is the process in which green plants manufacture food from carbon-dioxide and water, in presence of sunlight. Compensation point means the condition: (a) When the entire food manufactured in photosynthesis remains unutilised (b) When the pot is watered just to meet the full requirement of the plant (c) When rate of photosynthesis is equal to rate of respiration (d) Where there is neither photosynthesis nor respiration. Answer: (i) Photosynthesis. Briefly explain the process of photosynthesis and include the equation. Answer: (i) Photosynthesis. Light intensity, Water content, Temperature, Chlorophyll. Answer: Blackman (1905) established the law of limiting factor in connection with photo-synthesis. Chapter 6 Life Processes Class 10 Science Important Questions and Answers PDF will help you in scoring more marks. (ii) Label the guidelines 1-3. In this article you will get CBSE Class 10 Science chapter 6, Life Processes: NCERT Exemplar Problems and Solutions (Part-II). (v) Give the chemical equation to represent the process of starch formation in plants. NADP is expanded as: (a) Nicotinamide, adenosine dinucleotide phosphate (b) Nicotinamide, adenine dinucleotide phosphate (c) Nicotinamide, adenine dinucleous phosphate (d) Nicotinamide, adenosine dinudeous phosphate, 7. 2. Chlorophyll, Chlorophyll b, n-carotene, Photon. The site of light reaction in the cell of a leaf. The leaf is boiled with alcohol over a water bath till it becomes colourless. Out of nine types of chlorophyll, chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’ are most abundant. Question 6: Respiration is said to be the reversal of photosynthesis. (Chlorophyll), 1. Leaf 2, will turn blue black at the end of starch test. Answer: i) SUNLIGHT Chlorophyll of the leaves of the plant trap sunlight and converts them into chemical energy during photosynthesis. Why are they called so ? A dark reaction is a Thermochemical reaction. (iv) The green parts of the leaf turned blue-black while non green parts turned brown. (ii) Take a potted plant and keep it for 2-3 days in dark to destarch its leaves. The leaf absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere through its stomatal openings. (b) Why would you select a destarched plant ? This chapter will help us to reveal photosynthesis more in detail where and how the process occurs and what is the role of chlorophyll. The experiment showing that CO2 is necessary for photosynthesis. Calvin cycle was proposed by Melvin Calvin. What is Photosynthesis in biology class 10? 3. It is very poor in green light. Life processes Question 17: Explain, why respiration is said to be a reversed process of photosynthesis ? Increased concentration of carbon dioxide content enhances the rate of photosynthesis. The thylakoid system is a collection of membranous sacks called thylakoids. Describe the process of light reaction of photosynthesis. (iii) The plant is kept in the dark before the experiment to destarch the leaves. In photosynthesis radiant energy is converted into which from ? (i) What aspect of photosynthesis was being investigated ? Answer: Green plants manufacture food during the process of photosynthesis and give out oxygen a life supporting gas for all organisms. (True) 12. Photosynthesis utilizes carbon dioxide and water. Answer: Take a destarched plant. (v) If some sodium bicarbonate is added to the water the rate of bubble formation: (a) Increases because more respiration occurs. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food using carbon dioxide, water and sunlight. (iii) The process that takes place first in the photolysis of water is H+ and OH- ions with the help of energy from sunlight. (True) 18. Upper Epidermis 3. Heterotrophs 7. Question 1: All life on earth Would come to an end if there were no green plants. NADP 10. Get the correct answers from some of the best Science teachers through our chapter solutions. Download Formulae Handbook For ICSE Class 9 and 10. Pour iodine solution on it. Thus we can say that oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from water. How can it be destarched ? Glucose, Water, Oxygen, Carbon-dioxide. 2. Question 19: What is the law of limiting factor ? (iii) Why is the leaf boiled in water and alcohol before testing for the presence of starch ? The numeral ‘1’ represents a certain condition inside the flask and the numeral ‘2’ represents a chemical responsible for this condition. ATP: Adenosine triphosphate, a small water soluble molecule that acts as an energy currency in cells. Oxygen is given out by green plants. Boil the leaf in alcohol and wash in water. Question 28: List the events taking place in the photo-chemical phase of Photosynthesis. (iii) During the starch test why was the leaf: (1) boiled in water (2) boiled in methylated spirit. (iii) What is the aim of the experiment? (d) H+ combines with CO2 in dark reaction to produce glucose. Opening and closing of the stomata are brought about by the guard cells present in them. The complete chemical reaction is labelled as photosynthesis. 2. Photosynthesis: The process by which green plants prepare food is called photosynthesis. The leaf turns blue all over except the region covered with black strips. (ii) It is positioned at a right angle to the light to get maximum light. Phloem 11. Red 7. Organisms which cannot prepare their own food by photosynthesis. 11. (v) Photosynthesis is the source of energy food and oxygen. A plant that does not perform photosynthesis is Fungus. (iii) Select the correct leaf from the five available choices shown in the diagram as A, B, C, D and E. Rewrite the correct answer for the filling in the appropriate letter from the questions that follow: 1. Explain. Photosynthetic Membrane: A bilayer of lipid molecules in which are embedded proteins that transform light’energy into chemical free energy. Starch 10. Hence, the ability to collect raw materials and to carry on chemical reactions to synthesize food, it is called as the food factory of the plant. Photosynthesis 2. Form of energy which is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis. Answer: Question 4: Autotrophs and Heterotrophs. Question 2: (i) Identify the above diagram. Question 2: Photosynthesis is considered as a process supporting all life on earth. Question 1. 2. It plays a vital role in the process of photosynthesis. Answer: The chlorophyll traps solar energy and converts it into chemical energy. (i) What is the aim of the experiment ? A high energy reduced compound formed in the light reaction and enter into the dark reaction. Photosynthesis is the process of converting the energy in which solar energy is converted into the … Important protein complexes which carry out light reaction of photosynthesis are embedded in the membranes of the thylakoids. One of the leaves was covered with black paper in the centre. It gets water from the stem. Xanthophyll is Yellow coloured pigment. (2015) Answer: The process by which green plants make their own food (like glucose) from carbon dioxide and water by using solar energy in the presence of chlorophyll is called photosynthesis. The plant kept in bell without Potassium hydroxide can do photosynthesis and form starch. Answer: This process produces food and releases oxygen, both of which are necessary to maintain life on earth. 9. RBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 10 Essay Type Questions. Photosynthesis is a biological process utilized by all green plants to synthesize their own nutrients. Stomata involves in this process. The dark reaction of Photosynthesis is light independent. So, iodine solution here turns the leaf blue. Question 7: A well watered healthy potted plant with variegated leaves was kept in darkness for about 24 hours. Then in the early hours of the morning she covered one of the leaves with black paper in the centre only. Question 4: Chloroplasts are called energy converters. They are called so, because they provide the energy requirement for CO2 assimilation during dark reaction of photosynthesis. Name the structure where photophosphorylation takes place. Plants release oxygen as a waste product during photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is reduced to carbohydrates. Too much light destroys chlorophyll. Leaves are rich in plastids. The part of the chloroplast where the dark reaction of photosynthesis takes place. Free Energy 4. Photosynthesis 9. 7. Granum 2. 8. She placed the potted plant in the sunlight for a few hours, and then tested the leaf which was covered with black paper for starch. Which process is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms ? Carbon dioxide plays an important role in providing carbon for the process of photosynthesis. Mucus is secreted along with Hcl in the stomach . (ii) Is there any control in this experiment ? equation of photosynthesis class 10 Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: (i) Why was the plant initially kept in darkness for 24 hours? 5. Stomata – through which exchange of gases takes place. 3. Explain why the rate of photosynthesis in plants is low both at lower and higher temperatures. Splitting of water molecules releases oxygen as a by-product. 2. Xylem 5. (2) I will select destarched plant so I Can demonstrate the synthesis of starch through iodine test. After the starch test, leaf X would look like. A cell that lacks chioroplast does not: (a) Evolve carbon dioxide (b) Liberate oxygen (c) Require water (d) Utilize carbohydrates, 5. Photosynthesis is the physico-chemical process by which plants can convert light energy into chemical energy, in the form of carbohydrate from simple inorganic substances like atmospheric carbon dioxide and water. During this reaction, carbon dioxide and water are converted into glucose by chlorophyll in the presence of light energy. (iii) Photosynthesis. (iv) Write a balanced chemical equation to represent the process of photosynthesis. It is green flattened sac like structure. Stomata are the structures which help in the exchange of gases. Define photosynthesis. (ii) Is green light most or least useful in photosynthesis and why? Stroma. Photosynthesis is the process of plants and trees. Answer: (i) That light is necessary for photosynthesis. The principal site in a green leaf for photosynthesis. Source of oxygen given out in photosynthesis. 6. Carbohydrates are produced by the process of carbon assimilation which is carried on by the combination of water, carbon dioxide, by the application of external energy, light, and chlorophyll along with the involvement of oxygen. Optimum temperature required for photosynthesis is between 20 degree celsius to 25 degree celsius. A variegated leaf (one that has green as well as white patches) will only photosynthesize in the green areas. Asked by vrs20664 16th February 2020 7:27 PM . Question 5: A leaf is a food factory. (True) 7. What does light energy have to do with the process of photosynthesis? Chloroplast 4. After a few hours pluck the leaf and remove the black strips. Land plants obtain their CO2 from atmosphere. Answer the following: (i) What is the aim of this experiment? Question 9: Why is photosynthesis important in nature ? This energy is used in splitting the water molecules (photolysis) as below :-. (i) What aspect of photosynthesis was being tested ? Carbon dioxide is reduced to carbohydrate in the dark reaction. Answer: The tissues and cells which contain chloroplasts are mainly the palisade parenchyma and spongy mesophyll cells of a green leaf. Answer: A destarched plant has no starch present in the leaves and a leaf remains yellowish-brown when tested with iodine during a starch test. 7. Answer: (i) Photosynthesis. It is a process of formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate by the utilisation of energy released by electrons emitted during photolysis of water. NADPH2 8. (ii) Name the membrane that connects thylakoid of one granum With the other granum. Explain the process. 9. 5. Test the leaf for starch with iodine solution. Radiant energy 4. (d) Decreases because water freezes. ... explain the process of photosynthesis. Answer: (i) Photosynthesis is an enzymatic process. 6. (True) 10. (b) Increases because more photosynthesis occurs. (v) The leaf is then washed in water and tested with iodine. Name only one plant, you are familiar with which has no chlorophyll. Hence, they are called as food factories of the plant. Anatomy of leaves does not resemble Kranz anatomy. The raw materials for photosynthesis include water and CO2. Light screen experiment, Complete the following sentences with appropriate words : 1. 6. Question 3: Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis. (iii) Xylem – helps in the conduction of water. Answer: The body of all living organisms both plants and animals is dependent on the food that has been synthesized in a green cell by photosynthesis. 4. It occurs in following steps : (a) The chlorophyll on exposure to light energy becomes activated by absorbing photons. Answer: (i) 3-5, (ii) Oxygen, (iii) Water, (iv) Decreases because the temperature drops, (v) Increases because photosynthesis increases. KOH absorbs CO2. Explain the process of biosynthetic phase of photosynthesis occurring in the chloroplasts. (iv) Photosynthesis is the process by which living plant cells, containing chlorophyll, produce food substances (glucose and starch), from carbon dioxide and water, by using light energy. (i) What is the object of the experiment ? 3. A plant can be destarched by keeping it in the dark for two or three days, so that the leaves are free from stored starch. (iv) Describe step by step how the candidate proceeded to test the leaf for the presence of starch.