You can see that code E631 printed on the wrapper of LAYS POTATO CHIPS. SO we MUST avoid eating it. The following images clearly show code E631 printed in the ingredients of LAYS POTATO CHIPS as flavour enhancers. Lay's Snacks Pakistan is a responsible company, aware of and adhering to local food laws that include only using certified halal ingredients in all products. Because high-fructose corn syrup is often used in foods that are highly processed, many have started to believe that it is a more unhealthy alternative to sugar. SANHA, a halal certification body in Pakistan released a statement: âSANHA is an accredited organization to the government of Pakistan and they have verified that E631 used in Layâs come from plant sources.â Sponsored by Pepsi off course……. E495 E542 E570 E572 E63 E631 E635 E904 Lays chips PIG Fat Newer Post Older Post Any time we see the word âmulti-grainâ on bread or crackers, we automatically associate it with a healthier alternative to regular or refined grain food. These E codes are available as an added flavour in different lays products such as E631 & E160c found in lays wavy also E635 found in lays yogurt and herbs flavour please avoid to eat these products and before consuming these type of products first see ingredients and verify if there is not haram ingredient in it > Lately We found the code E631 printed on the wrapper of LAYS POTATO > CHIPS. It has been proved by research in Pakistan that the lays chips which are manufactured in Pakistan are totally Haram. âAll ingredients used in Lay's are 100% Halaal, certified by SANHA,â Pepsico Pakistan states here.Â. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Pig is HARAAM for Muslims. > E495, E542,E570, E572, E631, E635, E904. SO we MUST avoid eating it. E572, E631, E635, E904. The same video was also shared alongside similar claims on Facebook here, here, here, here and here. It was also launched in Pakistan in 2007, where it is manufactured by PepsiCo Pakistan, the local division of PepsiCo, and actresses Ayesha Omer, Hania Amir and Iqra Aziz have featured in its television commercials. The inosinate is made from tapioca starch and no animal products are involved in the production. Lays Masala flavor has E631 flavor enhancer E631 is obtained by three different sources 1. from sardine fish 2.from yeast use in making beer as a bi product 3.from animal fat. Regarding the issue of E631 in Lays products in Pakistan we would like to refer to the Lays Pakistan Statement and the certification of Halal of Lays products. Is e631 Halal or Haram? The following images clearly show code E631 printed in the ingredients of LAYS POTATO CHIPS as flavour enhancers. Pig is HARAAM for Muslims. European Masters Degree in Food Studies - an Educational Journey However, E631 is actually derived from plants and this fact has been affirmed by SANHA, Pakistanâs halal food certification agency. Baber Sultan. ... Today I found E635 code in paprika lays. All rights reserved. E631 can be generated in 3 different ways: -- It can be obtained from sardines (fish); -- It can be made from brewer's yeast extract, which is a by-product of the beer-making process; or -- It can be extracted from pig's meat. Finance Division Asks Ministers and Divisions to Finalize their Budgeâ¦, Biggest Foreign Players in PSL 2021 Draft, Google Phone App Will Soon Start Recording All Calls Automatically, Islamabad United Announces Individual Player Retentions for PSL 6, Lenovo Launches IdeaPad 5i Pro and IdeaPad 5 Pro Gaming Laptops, Eight-year-old Dies Imitating Ertugrul Ghazi In a Tragic Accidâ¦, Who Says Divorce Makes You Unhappy? We are being deceived,â the man says in Urdu. The authority has explained that the E631 used by Lay's Pakistan is derived from Tapioca starch, a plant based raw material which has been certified halal. The official statement of the Lay’s in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan produced a statement and certificate stating that the Lay’s produced there is 100 per cent halal. . High-fructose corn syrup is worse than sugar © 2020 ProPakistani.PK - All rights reserved. This is not possible. SO we MUST avoid eating it. Pig is HARAAM for Muslims. Layâs is a responsible corporate citizen. Omega-3 fats provide a plethora of benefits to the human body but, contrary to popular belief, flax isnât a particularly great source for them. Visit for articles in Urdu. E631 is found in many products.The most famous product is Lays Chips and millions of peoples eat all around the world including Pakistan.And Muslims around the world are very concerned the lays chips that uses E631 for halal haram issue. The official statement of the Layâs in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan produced a statement and certificate stating that the Layâs produced there is 100 per cent halal. The code E631 printed on the wrapper of LAYS POTATO CHIPS. Akhtar Bughio, director general of Pakistanâs Halal Authority, also told AFP that the E631 additive used in Layâs crisps adheres to Islamic guidelines. halal Please log in again. LAYS Chips have E631 code in ingredients. Fortunately, a number of food authorities in both Pakistan and India defied these claims and declared Lays potato chips Halal.